SF 3177 Trapping of Wild Animals [2008]

in Minnesota on March 10, 2008

Update: Fortunately, this bill did not pass through its assigned committee prior to the deadline.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would set the required time for checking traps at once every 4 days, and simultaneously extend the length of time to check Conibear traps from once every 3 days to every 4 days.
Traps are non-selective and will capture any animal that stumbles on them. There are numerous reports of individuals who have found their dogs and cats alive and suffering in leghold traps, Conibear traps, or snares — only to have the animals die in their arms while they attempt to free them. In addition, these traps also capture and maim or kill other non-target animals, such as threatened or endangered species. While some traps were intended as “instant kill” devices, studies indicate that most animals do not die quickly in them and instead endure prolonged suffering. Thirty-five states require traps to be checked either “daily” or every 24 hours. By reducing — instead of increasing — the regulation of trappers who use these traps, this legislation goes in the wrong direction. It only extends animal suffering and it should be opposed.

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H 834 Requires Fur Garments Be Labeled as to Fur Origin [2008]