S 14 Bans Coyote Hunting Contests [2007-08]

in Vermont on February 01, 2008

Update: This bill failed to pass.

Bill Description: If passed, this legislation would prohibit coyote “body count” contests as well as require fish and game wardens to immediately transport coyotes injured during illegal contests for treatment or euthanasia. In addition, this legislation requires the fish and wildlife agency to conduct landowner/farmer education regarding non-lethal methods for resolving issues with coyotes.
Coyotes play a vital ecological role in healthy ecosystems by keeping other animal populations in check. Keeping coyotes around helps to maintain a balance within the environment. Addressing human/wildlife conflicts in a thoughtful manner and acknowledging the complexity of maintaining a natural balance will help communities to attain long-term solutions to any conflicts that exist.

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S 2441 Protects Pet Shop Animals [2008]