S 1788 Restricts the Private Possession of Dangerous Wild Animals as “Pets” [2008]

in North Carolina on January 30, 2008

Update: This bill failed to pass.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill will require that counties and municipalities adopt an ordinance that either prohibits or restricts the private possession of large cats, bears, and wolves. Persons possessing one of these animals will have to comply with a series of restrictions such as obtaining liability insurance and develop a plan for the safe recapture of any animal that may escape. Violators of the law could face a civil penalty. The bill does not apply to accredited zoos, animal control, accredited wildlife sanctuaries, and circuses.
Dangerous wild animals pose a public safety risk as they do not adjust well to a captive environment. Across the country, many incidents have been reported where exotic animals held in private hands have attacked humans and other animals, or have escaped from their enclosure and freely roamed the community. The American Veterinary Medical Association, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all oppose private possession of certain dangerous wild animals.

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S 1330 Requires Fundamental Care of Animals Sold at Flea Markets [2008]