H 4860 Renews Pet Shop Licensing [2007]

in Michigan on March 29, 2007

Update: Good news! This bill passed the House and Senator, and the Governor signed it into law on September 30, 2007.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would renew the requirements under existing law that pet shops obtain a license prior to selling animals. The current requirements are set to expire on 9/30/07 without passage of this bill.
This bill provides important protections to companion animals, who need proper care during their formative weeks to ensure good health and proper socialization. Healthy, well-socialized animals make better companions and tend to stay with their human families for longer periods of time. Thus, this bill also is a consumer protection bill. Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws which establish humane care standards for animals kept at pet shops and sold in a retail environment. Michigan should remain 1 of the 26 states by enacting H 4860.

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H 4497 Prohibits the Use of Cruel Leghold Traps for Recreational Trapping [2007]