H 1235 Allows Nonresidents to Trap and Hunt Certain Wild Animals [2007]

in South Dakota on February 13, 2007

Update: This bill passed both the House and Senate and was signed into law by the Governor.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would allow those who do not live in South Dakota to trap and hunt furbearing animals — including raccoons, coyotes, foxes, jackrabbits, skunks, and badgers — for the first time.
Expanding the hunting and trapping of these furbearing wild animals is moving in the wrong direction. These animals play a vital ecological role in healthy ecosystems. For example, coyotes reduce rodent populations and keep other animal populations in check. Keeping these animals around helps to maintain a balance within the environment.

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S 396 Would Repeal the Ban on Cruel Leghold Traps [2007]