H 911 Expands the Cruel Trapping of “Nuisance” Wildlife [2007]

in Mississippi on January 07, 2007

Update: Sadly, this bill passed both the House and Senate and was signed into law by the Governor on March 27, 2007.

Bill Description: If passed, this bill would allow the trapping of skunks and foxes, for the first time, as “nuisance” animals. In addition, this bill would allow the sale, for the first time, of the pelts of “nuisance” animals year-round and the body parts of “nuisance” animals .
H. 911 would result in an expansion of the cruel trade in fur. The hides and pelts targeted in this legislation would come from animals caught in traps and then put to death by “nuisance wildlife control operators.” Trapping by these operators tends to be unregulated and the result often is animal suffering. Every year, more than 50 million animals are violently killed in the name of “fashion.” Expanding the animals already killed for their fur to also include animals who come into contact with humans as “nuisance” animnals is taking public policy in the wrong direction. The unsuspecting consumers who hire these nuisance wildlife operators will have no idea that the raccoon or other wild animal captured on their property will be killed and skinned for additional profit at the hands of the nuisance wildlife operator, and in support of the cruel and unnecessary fur industry.

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