Amendment 3: Petition rights amendment [2006]

in Florida on November 02, 2006

A no vote was recommended.

Yes: 58%
No: 42%

CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE — You can help determine the outcome on this important animal protection initiative. Please vote! And please share this information with your relatives and friends so that they can be prepared when they enter the ballot box to vote.

If passed by voters, this initiative would create a supermajority passage requirement for ballot measures, thereby gutting the citizen initiative process in Florida.
Under current law, Florida citizens have the right to bring proposed laws — such as the 1992 “Save Our Sea Life” amendment and the 2002 measure to halt the inhumane confinement of pigs on factory farms — directly to the people, when special interest groups attempt to block consideration of popular reforms such as these. If Amendment 3 passes, it will still be possible to propose initiatives, but to pass the initiatives will need 60 percent approval, instead of the simple 50 percent majority needed for such critical matters as electing politicians! To put this in practical terms: Under a 60 percent requirement, the anti-factory farming measure of 2002 — which stopped the use of tiny crates that do not allow pregnant sows to turn around — would have been “defeated” even though it received 55 percent of the vote!

Defeating Amendment 3 will help keep the powerful developer and agribusiness interests from taking away a big part of your political power.

For details:
Trust the Voters
212 East Stuart Avenue
Lake Wales, FL 33853

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