H 1331 Expands the Use of Cruel Conibear Traps [2005]

in Massachusetts on October 17, 2005

Bill Description: This bill would weaken existing law by allowing the state wildlife agency to implement a “pilot” program to “study the most effective way” to kill beavers. The bill does not expand the use of leghold traps or snares but it does expand the use of Conibear traps.
Conibear traps are cruel and antiquated devices that cause immense suffering as the animals they capture may die of dehydration, starvation, or predation from other animals if the trapper fails to check the device soon after the animal stumbles into it. Moreover, the use of these traps in water and under ice involves the deliberate drowning of animals, which the American Veterinary Medical Association asserts is an unacceptable form of euthanasia. We already know that these devices are not species-selective. They are an indiscriminate killing method that sometimes catches and kills non-target animals. Their use should not be increased under the pretext of establishing characteristics that already are known. Instead, the use of these devices should continue to be prohibited.

Read the next article

H 1327 Repeals the Body-Gripping Trap Ban [2005]