H.R. 2142 To Amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to Repeal the Long-term Goal for Reducing to Zero the Incidental Mortality and Serious Injury of Marine Mammals in Commercial Fishing

in House on October 12, 2004

Purpose: To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to repeal the long-term goal for reducing to zero the incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals in commercial fishing operations, and to modify the goal of take reduction plans for reducing such takings.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Resources; House Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans.

Action: OPPOSE. The Marine Mammal Protection Act has brought back many species from the brink of extinction. The Act has also lowered the number of needless deaths that are a side effect of commercial fishing operations. There is no reason to backpedal and weaken the MMPA’s goals or standards when there is still such a need for its protections.

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H.R. 1965 Property Protection and Encouragement Act